Love, Joy, Peace...
In Matthew 18:20, Jesus says, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” We trust in this Word, and so gather in local community to be disciples of Jesus Christ, knowing he is with us. We desire to do as he did in his earthly ministry: give glory to God and witness to the world about His kingdom.

The Bible

We believe the Bible, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments:

  • to be the inspired Word of God (2 Peter 1:20-21)
  • declares God’s design and plan for all of creation, including humanity
  • is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16)

Our Christian Heritage

We believe that the following summaries of the teachings found in the Bible, and affirmed since the early days of the church universal, express correct Christian teaching:

  • The Apostles’ Creed
  • The Nicene Creed
  • The Definition of Chalcedon

The Sacraments

We believe that Jesus gave two ordinances to his Church for their practice as means of grace and renewal for his believers: Baptism and Holy Communion, that is the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 28:19, Luke 22:17-20, and 1 Corinthians 11:24-26)

Our Witness

We believe…

  • everyone is created in the image of God, therefore we oppose unjust discrimination on the bases of gender, economic status, ethnic or tribal identity, age, or political views. (Genesis 1-2, Deuteronomy 16:19-20, Colossians 3:11)
  • life is a sacred gift from God, and it is our duty to protect those who may be powerless to protect themselves. We do not accept abortion as a means of birth control or gender selection, but acknowledge that it may be necessary in tragic conflicts between the wellbeing of mother and child.
  • we are called to be good stewards of God’s creation, and that includes caring for it and sharing its bounty as we love our neighbors as ourselves.
  • human sexuality is a gift from God that is intended to be practiced as part of a loving covenant of marriage between one man and one woman. (Matthew 19:3-9, Ephesians 5:22-33)
  • all are called to exercise self-control in their personal lives, generosity and kindness in community, and grace always. (Romans 12:9-21, Galatians 5:22-23)
  • the righteousness of God will prevail, and Jesus will be ruler over all the kingdoms of the world when he comes in final victory. (Revelation 11:15-17, Revelation 21-22)